Find Your Village: Navigating Motherhood through Community
5 minute read, Written By: Momly
Motherhood is a mixed bag of thrills and thunders. Anticipate the unanticipated goes so well with motherhood. Especially if you are a new mom, your life is always regulated around your little one and its erratic schedules. Every day you are learning something new and the journey is replete with overwhelming opinions by the people around you. In such overwhelming times, a supportive environment that is free of any bias and judgement is a manna from heaven. When you are starting out new and welcoming the unknown, a community that is rooted in sharing and growing goes a long way in shaping you as a mother and in turn reflects positively on your parenting journey.
- Beyond Nuclear Family
A community for moms goes beyond your family. These days with nuclear family becoming the new normal, the families are not available to guide the new moms in their motherhood and postpartum journey. In such isolating times, a community becomes an ecosystem for moms to understand their role in their little one’s lives and offers her all the support to help her keep her feet firmly grounded in this new journey.
- Navigating Unsolicited Opinions
Moms are always subjected to pressure and people often call them out if there is any misstep. If not that, they are inundated with conflicting opinions and unsolicited advice that it becomes too overbearing for the moms. A community of moms help her get through this situation by offering a safe space to share concerns and receive constructive advice.
- Share and Grow
A community fosters a climate of positivity and growth. It encourages one to share their experiences, tips and resources and enables the moms to learn from each other and grow together in this parenting journey. One can be completely at ease while asking questions or doubts as moms make each other feel at home. A community is formed only to help women rise and throw malaise.
- Authenticity and Lived-in experiences
Moms happen to be in different motherhood stages. Especially, Momly – a motherhood community welcomes moms across different motherhood stages right from conception to toddlerhood. The moms are experienced and have actually lived in your premise most of the times so the advice and ideas shared are rooted in truth and from the lived-in experiences. Hence the tips are authentic and tried and tested.
- Access to Maternal and Child Resources
Communities often share valuable information about maternal and baby care, mothers’ wellness, information on healthcare providers, baby stores and baby supplies, and other parenting services.
- Offline and virtual meets
Communities like Momly make it a point that they offer virtual and offline support by conducting periodical offline meetups. These meetups provides opportunities for moms to shed their motherhood roles for some part of the day, come and circle up together, meet like-minded moms and share a moment of laughter ad relaxation. Thus, giving birth to lifetime bond of sisterhood.

Why be a part of Momly?
Momly is more than an App or a virtual platform for moms. It is a motherhood destination where moms group together to build an effective and robust ecosystem for each other to express and share their journey, and grow from the insights gleaned from the shared journey. It is a definition of community living where moms don’t judge each other instead they willingly step forward to hold each other a safe space to come and share their doubts, worries and apprehensions.Momly goes beyond digital and creates a personal touch that breaks barriers between moms and helps nurture a relationship that is sacred and nourishing.
Hear from our community moms
"Since I have joined Momly, its quite welcoming. Whatever questions I ask, I do get an answer basis on others experience. So, I am quite happy with the group". – Isha Katpal. Momly mom
"Yes, it’s very helpful I can resolve any quick doubts and it is a trustworthy as these are real moms with answers." - Manisha, Momly mom
"Momly has been very helpful in my journey." – Shreshta, Momly mom
"I have had a great experience with Momly." – Eesha Mehta, Momly mom
"Community has been a savior for most of my pregnancy and postpartum doubts. It’s a genuine group of Experts plus moms trying their best to help each other." – Shifa, Momly mom