Fun ways to connect with Mom Friends
5 minute read, Written By: Momly
Mom-friends make our life easy and bearable. They keep us sane amid chaos and confusion and are important for our overall well-being. When parenting life becomes crazy, you can just turn to your mom-friends for help and support. Mainly because they come sans judgements and unsolicited advice. Moreover, you can just hang out and laugh it out over a coffee. They lift your sullen mood with their spirits and energy, and you could just reconnect to the person you were behind the title of mother and wife in their company.
But connecting with mom-friends is often a challenge. With a lack of time and crazy schedules, you are often left in a lurch. Migrations to other cities due to job change also become a factor to put a stop to the existing relationships with mom-friends. And when you are shifting to a new neighbourhood, you look for ways to connect yet you do not know how. Don’t worry, Momly edit has some amazing tips to help you make new mom connections and keep up with existing ones.

Bond over a hobby – Knowing what your mom-friends are passionate about is a way to squirrel into the conversations. It breaks the frosty ice and the entry barrier. If you and your mom-friend share the same interest and passions, it gets you to mingle and connect more. You both will be able to nurture your hobby with the same level of dedication. The conversation will freely flow without any inhibitions and both will be able to draw out the best in each other. If you are a music lover, catch up for a weekly jamming session or do virtual jamming over a video call. Book lovers can start a book club and read/exchange thoughts and ideas on the book of the month. Group learning is magical. You and your mom-friends can join a course of your choice and hang out together.
Playdates – Playdates not only add delight to your child’s life but it allows you to keep aside your household-related thoughts and unwind with your mom-friends. Your child is mingling and forming a bond over the toys and indoor play themes on one side while on the other, you get to speak your heart out and build a forever bond with new connections. Many a time, you resonate with another’s life story and that would be an instant connection for you to latch on to that person. Playdates are awesome. Book a playdate for your child and weave a lifetime friendship for yourself.
Garden walks - Take a walk around your society garden and you find yourself bumping into many moms. Evening playtime is a ritual for children. Moms accompany their children to the garden. You can connect with moms while taking a walk in a play area. Plan on an evening walk or post-dinner stroll with them or just a few minutes of light-hearted conversation to feel refreshed and rejuvenated after a long and tiring day.
Dedicated coffee time - Set up a routine or schedule a coffee shop visit mid-week with your mom-friends. This works best when you are already friends with a few mom friends. This would allow you all to be in touch and share each other’s happenings. A lot can happen over coffee suits perfectly when you have mom friends with you in a coffee shop.
Sweat it out together – Get fit together. You can join a Gym or Yoga class and meet each other twice or thrice a week. Stretch, move and workout can be a slogan for your girl gang. And who knows maybe the following year, you all could plan to run a marathon together.

Sign up for a social cause - Nothing sounds better than you sharing your purpose with someone. If you have a purpose or have signed up for a social cause then a chance meeting with mom-friends and talking on the same will help know their opinions. They might also resonate with your interest and idea, and would want to tag along with you. This will boost your boost and fortify your relationship.
Join Momly – Momly, a community for women, is pulling every stop for you to make friends with women. WHAT! A community for mom friends? Yes, you heard it right. By joining Momly, you inch very closer to your destination of mom friends. You can meet women who are new moms, moms of multiple children, moms-to-be etc. Get your foot inside their Whatsapp group and Momly App to make more friendly connections. Meet, share and grow with your mom friends by joining Momly.

Tips to stay connected with your mom-friends who are not in your city:
- Call/Videocall them once a week and exchange your life stories.
- Plan a vacation to your favourite destination to spend some quality time with each other.
- Join a virtual class together to add more fun to the learning.
- Schedule an annual visit to each other’s places to keep the friendship alive.
- Be supportive and give shout-outs on each other’s achievements.
- Share pictures and message more to stay connected.
- Rekindle the lost art of writing emails. Write a long descriptive mail to your mom-friends. Emails act as a visual reminder and are never out of fashion.