What Books To Read While Pregnant
6 minute read, Written By: Momly
True is the fact that a mother should always follow their instincts when it comes to their children. A mother’s intuition can never go wrong- be it when your baby is in your womb or in your arms or running around the house, if you think something is wrong or right- go for it.
However, the best way to prepare and equip yourself on your motherhood journey is to get first-hand information through books. If you’ve announced the news of your conception, you must be getting a plethora of advices. Pay heed to some and just ignore some, for there’s no limit to unsolicited advices offered to us. However, books hold knowledge provided to you by experts, the information that you can rely on, the knowledge that will make you more confident and less stressed about your new phase of life.
We, the Momly, bring to you a wonderful list of well researched books that you can completely rely upon. Read the blog and choose your books!

Expecting Better by Emily Oyster: Published in 1984, Oyster’s Expecting Better, revised several times now, is now considered as a bible for mothers-to-be. The depth of information this book holds is astounding and is a highly recommended read while you are pregnant as well as when you have your baby in your arms. This book decodes every month very meticulously and answers all your queries. It covers your journey from the very inception- from your labor to delivery, the fourth trimester and postpartum concerns, pregnancy weight loss, nutrition, et al. A bonus this book has a small but a substantial section for fathers as well. Do get a hold of this and read along with your partner.

The Mama Natural: Week by Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth by Genevieve Howland : The book has a very empathetic tone, emphasizing on how pregnancy should be not perceived as a medical condition but a wondrous biological process that women are bestowed upon with. Every stage of pregnancy, week by week, has been carefully dealt with. The book views pregnancy through a very holistic lens and focusses on nutrition tips, natural remedies, birth stories and expert advice.

Bumpin: The Modern Guide to Pregnancy by Leslie Schrock : Based on the latest clinical evidence and practical advice from top experts, Bumpin’ enables you to make the best decisions for your unique family. With a look at the science, it tackles every pregnancy FAQ and topics like the truth about cleaning up your cosmetics, nutrition, epidurals, and activity; and the practical, like putting together a baby budget and navigating work. Bumpin’ also takes you all the way through the postpartum period because taking your baby home and recovering brings unexpected physical, mental, and life changes that are too often overlooked for you and your partner.

Nurture: A Modern Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, Early Motherhood- and Trusting Yourself and Your Body by Erica Chidi Cohen: Written by a birth and postpartum doula, this book offers a holistic approach to pregnancy and provides remedies, nutritional advice, and recipes for specific months of pregnancy, taking you from early pregnancy through baby’s first few weeks. Judgment-free, it’s a comforting book that focuses on the wellness of all parties involved through the pregnancy, complete with illustrations, honesty, and support.

Real Food for Pregnancy: The Science and Wisdom of Optimal Parental Nutrition by Lily Nicholas: You should read this book if you want a clear answer on what food to eat, what not to eat and why. The author of this book is Lily Nichols, and she is a specialist in prenatal nutrition. She has explained what foods you should have for optimal health in pregnancy and your baby's development.

The Expectant Father: The Ultimate Guide by Armin A. Brott: Why should mothers be the only ones well equipped with all the knowledge? Get dads involved with his very own expectant father book. Written just for dads-to-be, this book will give expectant papas all the tools they need to support their partner, prepare for the new baby’s arrival, and take care of themselves during the exciting nine months ahead.

What to do When You’re Having Two: The Twins Survival Guide from Pregnancy Through the First Year by Natalie Diaz: Finding out that you are expecting twins can be a big shock. Calm some nerves with a well-loved twin survival guide. The comprehensive book includes information from pregnancy through the first year. The twin-specific info will help parents plan for the unexpected and accept the changes (and challenges) that two babies will bring.

Passport to a Healthy Pregnancy Book by Dr. Gita Arjun: It is always good to know what a gynecologists' and obstetrician has to say about holistic health of women during pregnancy. This is a complete book on pregnancy which covers everything right from preconception to taking care of your newborn baby. Read this book to know how you stay healthy during your pregnancy and also after it.
These books will surely provide all the information you are looking forward to while pregnant. In our country, where unsolicited advices are so rampant, do make sure that whatever you pay heed to is authentic and substantial information. While books do help you in gaining confidence about your new phase of life, however, in case of any discomfort do consult your doctor immediately. And, as stated before, always trust your instincts when it comes to your baby, for a mother’s natural instinct is much stronger than any of those knowledge or advices.
The Momly team wishes you the best for your nine months of beautiful journey. Enjoy your pregnancy and most importantly- stay happy and positive!